

CVIA is the official journal of GWICC


Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications journal confirmed as official publication to the Great Wall International Cardiology Conference at the 27th GW-ICC meeting in Beijing, China

Beijing, October 14, 2016: Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications (CVIA), celebrated its first year of publishing with the announcement that it has been confirmed as the official journal of the Great Wall International Cardiology Conference. Congress Chairman and CVIA Associate Editor, Prof. Changsheng Ma made the announcement at the journal’s editorial board meeting held at the 27th GW-ICC meeting in Beijing on October 14th 2016.  In his address to the board members Prof. Ma reaffirmed GW-ICC’s commitment to CVIA “the GW-ICC organizing committee has decided to provide all means of facilities to support CVIA as its official journal”. The meeting marked the launch of issue four of the journal, a special issue on Risk Factors, completing its first year of publication. Prof. Ma welcomed the new issue and congratulated Editor-in-Chief Dr C. Richard Conti on a great first year of publication “under the leadership of Dr. Conti and Prof. Hu Dayi and with the cooperation of its editorial board members, CVIA has grown as a journal, publishing four strong and impressive special issues in its first year”.

Editor-in-chief of CVIA Dr. Conti, past president of the American College of Cardiology thanked the GW-ICC and Prof. Ma for his commitment to the journal. He went on to invite Prof. Ma to guest edit a special China focus issue of the journal to be published in 2017.

Founding Editor Prof. Dayi also complemented Dr Conti on the success of the journal in its first year. “As Founding Editor, I am glad to see the journal has exceeded my expectations”. He went on to encourage Chinese Cardiologists to get more involved with the journal “I hope all of us can work together to help Dr. Conti to develop the journal.”

Prof. Dayi noted the significant role of the GW-ICC from 1990 onwards in establishing contacts between Chinese
cardiologists and their US and European colleagues. The GW-ICC has also been at the forefront of the growth in Chinese cardiology research, reflecting China’s growing importance in world research rankings.
It is evident that China now needs its own English-language, multi-national journal where top-rated articles from around the world can be published. Cardiovascular Innovations and Applications (CVIA), the new, official journal of the GW-ICC will fill this void. Unique to this journal will be the continuation of a scientific exchange of ideas between leading Chinese clinicians/researchers and clinicians/researchers around the globe.’

CVIA is available on the IngentaConnect platform http://www.ingentaconnect.com/content/cscript/cvia and at https://dhn.zgc.mybluehostin.me/cvia/. Submissions may be made using Scholar One manuscripts at https:/mc04.manuscriptcentral.com/cvia-journal. There are no author submission or article processing fees.
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CVIA Journal at GW-ICC 2016
